Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anouncement ( Scholarship at Harvard Medical School)

Visiting Medical Students Participating in Exchange Programs through the HMS Scholars in Medicine Office

Medical students in their final year of school can apply to Harvard Medical School (HMS) to participate in the Exchange Clerk Program. Thousands of students from the United States and abroad apply to this program each year to participate in clinical electives at HMS. To apply for clerkships and for more information on scheduling, tuition, courses, and any other information about the Exchange Clerk Program, visit: Program StudentsHarvard Medical School has agreements with a small number of medical schools internationally to send medical students to each other's school to participate in clinical elective training. Students from these foreign schools are selected by their schools to participate in the exchange clerkship program. These schools notify the Scholars in Medicine Office about the students they have selected.We recommend that the students selected to participate in this exchange program prepare your applications well in advance of the online application deadline. Please send an email with the clerkship months you requested once you apply online. You should send your paper documentation to Kari Hannibal, Program Manager, HMS Scholars in Medicine Office, no later than the online application deadline. Completed paper documentation should be mailed to:Kari HannibalScholars in Medicine Office, Harvard Medical School260 Longwood Avenue, Suite 265, Boston, MA 02115, USATel: 617-432-1573Chilean medical students in Santiago may want to look at the Harvard University David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies webpage for additional information.For information on housing in Boston, go to: Vanderbilt Hall for information on applying to Vanderbilt Hall, the dormitory of Harvard Medical School. Students regularly find off-campus housing listings on Craigslist Boston or the off-campus housing bulletin board on the Vanderbilt Hall website.Students who are participating on these exchange programs should notify Kari Hannibal in the first three days of their arrival in Boston. Kari can be reached or at 617-432-1573.

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