Friday, January 31, 2014


I enjoyed their singing.
She understood his saying no to the offer.
Sam resented Debbie's coming late to the dinner.
We discussed the machine's being broken.
I advised taking the train
I go swimming every weekend.
Would you ever go skydiving?
They admitted to committing the crime
Leslie made up for forgetting my birthday.
He is thinking about studying abroad.

natural disaster (THUNDERSTORM)

A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm, a lightning storm, thundershower or simply a storm, is a form of turbulent weather characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth's atmosphere known as thunder. The meteorologically assigned cloud type associated with the thunderstorm is the cumulonimbus. Thunderstorms are usually accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain and sometimes snow, sleet, hail, or no precipitation at all. Those that cause hail to fall are called hailstorms. Thunderstorms may line up in a series or rainband, known as a squall line. Strong or severe thunderstorms may rotate, known as supercells. While most thunderstorms move with the mean wind flow through the layer of the troposphere that they occupy, vertical wind shear causes a deviation in their course at a right angle to the wind shear direction.
Thunderstorms result from the rapid upward movement of warm, moist air. They can occur inside warm, moist air masses and at fronts. As the warm, moist air moves upward, it cools, condenses, and forms cumulonimbus clouds that can reach heights of over 20 km (12.45 miles). As the rising air reaches its dew point, water droplets and ice form and begin falling the long distance through the clouds towards the Earth's surface. As the droplets fall, they collide with other droplets and become larger. The falling droplets create a downdraft of cold air and moisture that spreads out at the Earth's surface, causing the strong winds commonly associated with thunderstorms, and occasionally fog.
Thunderstorms can generally form and develop in any particular geographic location, perhaps most frequently within areas located at mid-latitude when warm moist air collides with cooler air. Thunderstorms are responsible for the development and formation of many severe weather phenomena. Thunderstorms, and the phenomena that occur along with them, pose great hazards to populations and landscapes. Damage that results from thunderstorms is mainly inflicted by downburst winds, large hailstones, and flash flooding caused by heavy precipitation. Stronger thunderstorm cells are capable of producing tornadoes and waterspouts. A 1953 study found that the average thunderstorm over several hours expends enough energy to equal 50 A-bombs of the type that was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan during World War Two.

source: wikipedia

next leader

Good afternoon, , Teachers, Staff, Parents, Guests, and fellow students. My name is Nadira Ulfa and I am running for president.
Dedicated. Responsible. And Enthusiastic. These are three words that describe me, and three reasons why you should vote for me. I cannot promise that if I am elected we will be allowed to chew gum or have no homework. But I can listen to what you, the students have to say, and pass it on to the faculty. I will try my best to meet any student requests. If that isn’t good enough, then I am not the person to elect. The only promise I can make is that I will try my hardest to help you, the students, have a memorable school year. Some ideas I have to improve the school are: more fundraisers, better food in the snack shack, and more electives. I believe that I am qualified to represent our school because I get good grades, served on student council last year as Spirit commissioner, am involved in many school activities such as he spelling bee and school play. I worked as a library helper, a family representative, served on lunch crew and worked at the snack shack. I am also in the leadership elective; therefore I will have more time to get things done.
While casting your vote, I ask you to look beyond popularity or who you are friends with. Look at who would be the better leader for our school.
Thanks, good luck to my opponent
And please-vote me, Nadira Ulfa, for president
It’s easier than thinking!